The rationale for Learning Design

Experiential learning is the most powerful and natural form of learning. You will gain reflection on experience. For example, age one baby learn many new skills through painful experiential learning, they tried to walk and fail, and when they tried to stand up again, the young baby finally learns how to walk through a repeated way to doing. The benefit of experiential learning is people will learn more quickly and retain more information when they are doing something. As Sir Richard Branson says, “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by fall over.”(Richard Branson 26 October2014)

Experiential learning is the major type of learning design we use. Our students are introduced to Chinese tea culture through many fun paragraphs or videos. Students are also given some discussion questions to discuss with friends or family. This engages their individual thinking skills, and we also want to see the students’ writing skills. Therefore, we need students to write a blog page on Chinese tea. This gives us insight into how many students learned after watching the video.


Why is experiential learning important?

Experiential learning: learning by doing (2)

3.6 Experiential learning: learning by doing (2) – Teaching in a Digital Age (

What Is Experiential Learning?

What Is Experiential Learning? – Institute for Experiential Learning (

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